Sunday, December 21, 2014

Finale revised

I think I missed the rush for all the reveals, and now no one will see who I am.

oh well.

In the beginning of this year, I asked Nelson if my pen name could be "Sexual Fetus".

I was declined. 

 I'm glad I chose my name to be Flat Stanley because (as cheesy as it sounds) 

It's become part of who I am.  Thank the lord "Sexual Fetus" didn't become part of me.

Creative writing is the most valuable thing I think I'll ever get out of high school.

I have always hid who I am, in fear of rejection. 

Nelson, you showed me that it is perfectly okay to be weird.

because I'm going to die one day anyways, right?


saved my life.  Thank you Kyle.

Thanks for influencing me more than any other person I have come in contact with Kyle,

and putting me in the top 5..that was friggen sweet. 

Thank you to: Polly Baker, Jane Q. porter, Charolette Rose, James C. Mckay, Elizabeth Grant,

Sgt. Pepper, Alice S. Blackwell, Leroy, and anyone else I forgot. 

You guys always stuck around to read my mediocre posts, and always left comments

that made my day. Thank you. 

I am 5'4" with a 6'0" personality. 

I pierced my belly button at a tattoo shop and my parents still don't know (shhhh) 

My green eyes are a little too big for my face.

My hair closely resembles that of a winter storm (Silver....) I want to take this time to

thank Cornelia Boom for posting "the year of no mistakes" on twitter, when I was deciding

whether or not to dye it silver. thanks Cornelia. 

And shoutout to James C. Mckay for piercing my ear in a starbucks parking lot the other day.

I could sit here and tell you all about how I love laughing, and how my 

favorite food is Thai. I could tell you that I am scared of picking up chickens, 

and I get nauseated when people touch my knees. I could tell you all about that time 

I jumped off a bridge naked, or how the Edward Scissorhands soundtrack makes me cry.

I could tell you how I fell in love, and unfortunately have been permanently messed up from it.

I could tell you about these scars.

I could even go on for hours on end about how much I love special effects makeup,

And how it has literally saved my life. I could tell you about how it helps me

to escape from being "Micah Mehlhoff" for awhile. Because I didn't like being me.

But I wont bore you.
I have good news that I will tell you guys about though..

I finally love myself. 

Thanks Guys.

Sincerely, Flat Stanley.


  1. right when I read "sexual fetus" I knew this was you.

  2. Yes I'm so happy you posted that picture! I love you so much, I'm so happy you love yourself and I've loved reading your blog. You are so inspirational and have so much to share:)

  3. Ditto to Jordana. I remember when I told you we needed to be friends over this blog. And I am so happy we already are. Love love live your blog.

  4. totally knew it was you the whole time... really enjoyed your blog;)

  5. Beautiful.

    And double LOL at Sexual Fetus.

    That mask is absolutely frightening. I still have nightmares about that day you walked into my class wearing that thing.

  6. Good heavens Micah. Stanley was brilliant but I'll never ever grow tired of giving you rides or listening to your words kid.

  7. LOve your blog! you have a great personality!

  8. ^RT
    Loved your blog, you're an insane writer! Lol at the beg totally thought I was the last person to reveal too.

  9. oh gosh, your writing is definitely not mediocre. its incredible

  10. holy cow micah.
    your blog is unreal.
    one of my favorites from day one.

  11. micah




    i love this and you and i didn't expect this at all. you are so talented.

    i loved seeing you at nike ps

  12. You're freakin flat Stanley!!!? Holy poop girl!! You're amazing!

  13. You're writing is stunning and I'm in love with your blog ❤

    1. And thank you for the thank you, your posts were never mediocre

  14. Sexual Fetus hahhahahaha. K yeah you're amazing and I've loved your writing all along. Let's be friends in real life please ok awesome. You're a favorite for sure.

  15. Micah Micah Micah
    One: I am jealous of your pen name
    Two: your blog is killer
    Three: sexual fetus
    Four: I'm starting to live by "the year of no mistakes" and I'm glad someone else is too

    You're brilliant

  16. K I'm doing this as anonymous because I still want to be nobody but just for the record. You're perfect. You're green eyes are gorgeous and your silver hair is beautiful. Props to you for doing that because it honestly looks amazing! And also your writing is amazing. I still remember how much confidence it gave me the first time you commented on my blog. I hope you'll keep writing, and allow your readers to soak up some of your awesomeness
    Yours Truly,


  17. oh my sexual fetus! that is amazing. But I like flat stanley. and I like you. alot. your writing is beautiful!
