Sunday, October 12, 2014

how to??????

How to: Cope with that crush you'll never be able to get

1. Come to terms with accepting the fact that you like this person so much and they probably will never like you back. Stupidly decide to test the waters anyway.
2. Try talking to them for awhile, but get no hint of interest back. AS EXPECTED.
3. debate what the reason is (you're either a pathetic loser, or he's shy. I have my money on pathetic loser.)
4. Give up.
5. Be sad for an appropriate amount of time and--No. I don't want to talk about this.

AH-HEM. Lets try a new one. 

 How to: Get out of your comfort zone

1. Make a detailed list of things that you normally are uncomfortable with. 
2. organize them from least intimidating, to most.
3. Challenge yourself to try--No. I don't want to talk about this either.

How to: Deal with your Insomnia

1. ...................................................................................................................

How to: Forgive your dog for stealing food from your hand

1. Make sure the environment is calm, and give yourself time to collect your thoughts.
2. Understand that your dog does not have the brain capacity to understand that stealing is wrong.
3.  This topic will be stupid to everyone but me. I'm picking a new one damn it.

How to: Stop hating yourself

1. Look in the mirror and take what you think about yourself..shove it out of your head.
2. Convince yourself that you don't hate yourself or anything about yourself for about 26 seconds.
3. Feel sad against your will.
4. Go to the gym to feel better.
5. Feel better for 2 hours tops.
6. Come home and hate yourself some more.

This sucks and its too depressing. I'm not finishing it. 



-I was hit with cupids bow and I cant come to terms that we will never happen. 

-I literally suck at coming out of my comfort zone. I'm terrible at it. I've tried.

-I have yet to find a cure for my relentless insomnia. if you have any advice let me know. ill be here round the clock, folks.

-I still haven't forgiven my dog for stealing that last bite of sandwich out of my hand. it was the only thing I'd had to eat all day and it tasted like heavenly father.

-I haven't stopped hating myself since I was 13 years old. I have tried countless times, but each time I fail even more miserably than the first. 

-I cant seem to write "good" blog posts. I feel like I don't compare to anyone on here. I am not good enough.  And that bothers me more than it should, yet its just another thing that worsens my self esteem.

I cant write a "how to" if I'm still figuring my ish out. 

It doesn't matter though. This post is going to go unseen right?


  1. This did not go unseen.
    I still haven't figured out the cure to insomnia but still trying.
    I absolutely love you your character personality and writing style. You don't have to love yourself. But you do have to accept that you're loveable. And that helps. (Wow I'm such a dork I made this super long. Sorry I tend to do this when I'm tired. And the worst part is I know I'll regret it come morning but I just comment anyways.)

  2. Please don't think of yourself as not good enough. Because you are. You just gotta believe that. And please don't think your writing is unseen or not "good" compared to the rest. Don't compare it to the rest you're different from eveyone. And just btw I'm still not over your "Love is for Shmucks" post. What you have to say matters! Keep writing and your head up!

  3. Cool post. Really interesting. "How to: stop hating yourself" 1. Look for the positive qualities that you possess even if they seem small. 2. Ignore the "faults" that the world says you have. 3. Don't give a crap about what the world thinks. (it's on a roller coaster heading downhill really fast.) 4. Help someone feel good about themselves. It can help you if you help them. :) 5. Stay who you are.

  4. This is one of my favorite HOW TO posts. Like Casper said, your personality really comes through in your writing. It's unique. It's funny and neurotic and awesome.

    You have ADHD and so does everyone and I love how much fun this was to read.

  5. I loved the dog one. That is one thing that really makes me mad for some reason. You helped me realize that my dog didn't know stealing is wrong.

  6. I am completely overwhelmed by all your posts. Not even all the emoji's in the world could express my joy, "My chest is so light, My mind is so empty it almost feels foreign to me. I'm thinking about everything and nothing. all at once. And I love it." For me, this feeling all started with the smile you coaxed on my face with your wonderful comment, and "I suppose I have Heaven to thank for that."

  7. oh man. this is so great. if i could write how to's like this... no just kidding, not even going there, but i love your voice.

    and yeah you're not unseen.
