Monday, March 16, 2015


When I was in the fourth grade, the School boundary changed, and I was forced to switch
from Highland Elementary, to Westfield. My best friend Emma Egan and I were pretty upset about it.
In the fifth grade, I caught my teacher Mrs.Humble looking at Victoria's Secret lingerie online. it didn't click until I was older that around that time she had also recently been engaged..........oolala.
In the sixth grade I had the worlds most awful teacher, and through his atrociousness, I gained
some classmates whom I am still friends with to this day. Seriously, this teacher was awful. He
got fired at the end of the year. I could write a novel on this guy. 
Seventh grade I had a crush on Chantz Cook, but he didn't even know I existed.
My best friend Tiffany Hurwitz was going out with Keaton Zaragoza. I know you will all
remember him if you went to Timberline.
Eighth grade, I broke 100 pounds and got my braces off. People started talking to me.
I started doing worse in school, I got my first (Rape) kiss from Bowman Daley
in front of everyone at Jake Richeys house. Later that summer, Chantz Cook kissed me.
You can imagine my excitement.
Ninth Grade, I got suspended from school with Ethan Bradshaw for "vandalizing" the
island lockers. I broke the school record in the long jump, and went to 7 funerals in 6 months.
That year sucked for me.
Tenth grade, I did lots of bad things. I made lots of bad choices that still haunt me to this day.
I was very depressed and sad most of the time, failed some classes, but did some illegal things that
now make for some funny stories.
Eleventh Grade I spent majority of that year trying to fit into a group that I sure as hell did
not fit in with. I spent my weekends with rooms full of people, yet never feeling more alone.
did better in school, got my patriarchal blessing, but by the end of the year, I was making bad choices again.
Senior year.
-I found the friends I fit in with
-I'm happy for the most part
-he switched schools (hallelujah)
-My grades are pure comedy
-I smile more
-laugh more
 -made stupid choices
-Achieved the record for most absences at LP
-Went to the ER 
-Got offers in California for my makeup career
-Finally content with who I am
-Witnessing the beginning stages of my parents inevitable divorce
-lost my house, lost more loved ones
than I should have.
looking back on this makes me nostalgic and sad and happy and grateful and all of the above.
 I'm happy I got to grow up with all of you.
and I am grateful that you are all apart of my memories, and that I
got to be apart of yours.
I graduate in 10.428 weeks
I graduate in 73 days
We graduate in 1,752 hours
We start our lives in 105,120 minutes
6,307,200 seconds
I'm glad we choose to stay


  1. This is fantastic. And heck yes to choosing to stay. Like sucks but it's so worth it. Can't wait for graduation.

  2. Mrs. Humble (what a name) and Chantz Cook (I remember him, he was in my class sophomore year, I liked him).

    Thank you for your honesty. You've lived quite a life so far. I can't imagine.

    Keep fighting. Keep experiencing. It's only just begun.

    My favorite line, because it sums up our lives:
    "looking back on this makes me nostalgic and sad and happy and grateful and all of the above."

  3. what a great post to sum up hard times that have all added up to what we have now. Near graduation and you've got great things ahead you. Thanks Micah.

  4. Loved reading this. Even though it started later on, it made me think back to preschool. Thanks for being one of my first friends. I truly think you are such an incredible human.

  5. Micah I've always admired you. I loved reading this history of you.
