18 years ago they built you up
Brick by brick until you were done.
I met you just as I was born,
you are the place where all my memories are stored.
You gave me hiding places for hide and go seek.
you gave me swing sets that for some reason always had too many bees.
you hold the memories of my very first steps,
and also the memories of my relentless stress.
I remember when I broke your window, because I was determined to kill a spider on the other side.
I remember dancing in the TV room with my siblings to Christmas music with you.
I remember sliding down your stairs on my belly in my footie pajamas with my brothers.
I remember when the cops broke down your door, because they needed to "do their jobs".
I know exactly where my 5 year old drawings on your walls are (still haven't told mom)
and although its faint, and the pencil is smudged, I can still make out those misspelled words.
I cant help but smile every time I read it.
In the back, you hold my dog. He died exactly one week after my 6th New Years.
We banged our pots and pans on the snowy porch and lit off fire works, watching him bound through the snow. Please keep him safe near that tree.
I still hesitate to go into our basement. It's unfinished, and my small self still warns me about the monsters that lurk down there.
You hold the broken up notes of all our failed instruments.
You hold the 3 am memories of me sneaking through the front window.
By the way, thanks for never creaking...Not.
You know all my deepest secrets, and you have been there through all my laughs and tears.
you were built, and you built me.
It's time for me to go. I'll take my memories with me.
I'm keeping them close to my heart, because if I'm being honest, that's all I have left anymore.
Its only strategically placed bricks.
I'm going to miss those bricks.