Sunday, November 2, 2014

By the roundabout church we sat and mourned.

I'll miss you more than you would have guessed,

damn you death. why not take me instead?

He was just having a hard time, and you selfishly decided it would be fun to cloud his mind.

I, don't know what to say. I'm at a loss of words..praying to God..

that no more deaths occur.

Please, Oh Lord my God. If there is a God, take care of him for me.

Take care of all those I love up there,

because I am so helpless, and all I have now is a blank stare.

Death, why do you have to take so many? I wonder what his last thoughts were

 before he put that rope  around his neck...or if he even had any.

Your smile was contagious, your hair was amazing.

Personality? Crazy.

I looked forward to seeing you every day, I always knew you'd have something funny to say.

 And now that your gone, our friendship is on pause, until I get up to those pearly white gates. 

I cant wait till that day I am reunited with you all,

but until then ill be anxiously awaiting Death's call.

I've reached my limit, I miss you all more than any words can say.

 I'm wishing that soon Death will come for me, wanting to play.

I'll have to add another name to the "Deaths of loved ones" on my wall.

 Number 18 goes out to you,

Hunter Dahl.

November 2nd, 2014.


  1. "I'm at a loss of words..praying to God.." i dont know why this hit me so hard. i don't even know what to comment, but this was a nice tribute to him. he will be missed by many.

  2. This gave me chills. "Anxiously awaiting deaths call" "number 18 goes to you hunter Dahl"

  3. why not take me instead?
    I wonder what his last thoughts were…

    Before he pulled the trigger.

    I feel you.

    Too many amazing people.

  4. 18

    are you even 18 yet?

  5. "I've reached my limit, I miss you all more than any words can say.

    I'm wishing that soon Death will come for me, wanting to play."

    This so dark but really so so true.
